Team POLeR/ - Tentative Schedule
As you all know, I can't live without my schedules. So, I thought I'd post a very loose/tentative schedule to give everyone an idea what I have in mind. I intend to schedule enough training to keep us together (once a month or so), yet I realize we won't really race till next April, so I won't over do it.
During the off time, keep in mind that we all want to improve on 2006. The only way to do that is to get a medal. The only way to do that is to train hard on an individual basis.
I would like to welcome Tom and Denise to train with us. Tom has agreed to serve as our alternate for now. I am also thinking that the two of them can race as a duo in April and we'll race as a trio (The April race only accepts 2person or 3person)...but we'll see where we go from here. I also know that the MAX only allows teams of again, we'll see what we do.
Sept.23rd - National Orienteering Day - Detwieller Park (Peoria) - 10am start - Nav Training - We'll run a few O-courses and have some fun.
Oct. 14th or 15th - A Long Ride - The specifics will be worked out later, but we'll hit the bikes for 50 miles...OR we'll hit some single track for 20 miles. Right now, I'd vote single track. Feel free to give me some feedback. John may be a Daddy around this he may be out.
Nov. 4th or 5th - Either are available for some Nav training. Since we might try Snowgaine in February, we'll do long-course-reds.
Dec. ? - Peoria's O-club has an event at Farmdale. We'll go do more O-training, and if the weather is even kind of permitting, we'll singletrack that place too. Of course it may well be too cold for single track.
Jan. ? - I have no specific event in mind. We should at least meet for a long cold walk in the woods. I'll find us a place.
Feb, (first half) - We'll try to find an O-event again. Snowgaine is nearing.
Feb. (second half) - Snowgaine - 6 hour event - Mississippi Palasades State Park IL.
March - Training begins for the April Kickapoo Race - We'll meet twice this month.
April - We'll try and meet every week to luanch into Kickapoo. April 29th is tentatively the day of the 6 hour race.
May - we'll drop back to twice a month, but the training durations will be longer.
June - Still at twice a month, but we're doing 6-8 hour training sessions.
July - Attempt to meet every week leading to the MAX 15 hour. Perhaps add Wednesday night rides if we can.
August - take a week off from the July race, and then do a twice amonth till the August 20 hour race (Aug.24th-26th).
So there you go, a projection of training for the next year...and you all know, what we'll actually do won't resemble this at all. It's a skeleton schedule, I'll change...a lot.